REALTOR®: Samantha King

Tel: 1 888 642 8501
Fax: 1-204-642-8457
Email: Contact Samantha
Samantha resides in the Municipality of Bifrost Riverton. With over 20 years working with the public, her philosophy is to always go above and beyond her clients’ expectations. Samantha has always had a love for real estate and meeting new people. Prior to joining Interlake Real Estate, she worked as a Realtor’s® assistant in Winnipeg before she began an 11-year career as a flight attendant. Some of her hobbies include wood carving, painting, gardening, landscape design, astronomy, aviation, and fitness competitions.
Samantha was very organized and detail oriented, as well as enthusiastic about both our sale and our purchase of another property. She was extremely valuable in negotiating important details and we knew she had our best interest forefront. As she is newer to the field we were impressed that she was always ready and eager to research and find out the answers to any questions we had or that came up in the process of our transactions.
Samantha King is an enthusiastic and extremely helpful real estate agent. She puts her client's needs first, and is always approachable and available. Her service for us went above and beyond in many ways and she was able to protect us from some potential problems with her quick thinking and attention to detail.
Samantha King cares about her client's unique requirements and desires, for both the purchase and sale of a property, she takes those into consideration, approaching each client as an individual. I would definitely recommend Samantha King for all your real estate needs. -E. D.
Samantha did a wonderful job. She was professional, and her knowledge of the business was outstanding .She kept me in the loop of all inquiries, and issues regarding the sale. She even went above and beyond herrequirements as a Realtor. -D. B.
Real Estate Listings for Samantha King
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